I started late around 10:30 after picking up some groceries from Walmart, plowed through Manitoba today, bypassing Winnipeg completely, and arrived at Thunderbay by 10:30PM EDT. Drove about 953KM total.
Having lunch and making coffee in a random rest stop in Manitoba, just by the Ontario border.
Not as tired as yesterday, but the loss of one hour time zone change still has a toll on me. I made a stop at the timezone marker/rest stop.
This rest stop was kind of interesting. It has an unattended washroom facility with an indoor lobby. I forgot to take pictures, but that wasn’t the interesting part. I was there about to register for my next hotel stay, and I realized cell coverage was non existent. I was about to drive further down the highway to see if I can get a stronger signal to try again, but then I found out there was free wifi available from the Ontario government! I looked around the corner of the building, and see the second generation Starlink antenna! I also notice the cameras, so I guess they use that to remotely monitor the building. I guess providing free wifi in an area with weak cellular coverage makes sense, since the network is already there. Plus, you can also use as another rough metric to measure how much the facilities are being used.