emergency roadtrip ahead…

Family emergency popped up, resulting in sudden need to be in Calgary next Monday with my Mom. Once I factored in the cost of two last minute plane tickets, along with the cost of the car rental, I realized it made more sense to just drive the Accord over and make a roadtrip out of it. So I installed the 1kw inverter into the glove box, packed the LiFePO4 batteries, the fridge, and the microwave, and will be driving first thing tomorrow morning.

Luckily the weather is somewhat co-operating, however I am hearing reports of some lingering snow fall in Alberta. At this time, I will be driving there on snow tires, just in case I encounter snowy weather along the way. Like the last roadtrip to Vancouver, I will not be making many site-seeing pit stops along the way there. I hope the weather co-operates.

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