It is currently August 13, 2020, 11:24 PM local time in Revelstoke, BC. I am soooper tired. I have been driving 15+ hours for the past 3 days, so my apologies if I haven’t made an update yet!
A quick update on where I drove.
On day 1, I drove from Toronto, Ontario to Thunder Bay, Ontario. I started at 6:00AM, and didn’t make it to the Hotel at almost midnight!
On day 2, I drove from Thunder Bay to Regina, Saskatchewan. I started at about 6:00 AM, and didn’t make it to the Hotel at almost 10 PM local time. On the way, I also gained 2 hours from the timezone difference.
On day 3, I drove from Regina to Revelstoke, BC. I started around 7:00 AM, and didn’t make it to the Hotel at around 8:00 PM local time. This time, I gained about 1 hour from the timezone difference.
Unfortunately, this time we never had a chance to “explore” or “vacation” along the way. Our main objective was to make it to East Vancouver ASAP. Luckily, my Mom was able to help me drive a bit as I took short breaks to maximize the road time.
Tomorrow should be the final leg of this road trip destination. According to Google Maps, it should take approximately 6 hours to reach there from Revelstoke. I will post some more updates once I get a chance to unwind, unpack, and torment my new Nephew! I will also try to post some numbers of the MPG metrics of my Honda Accord, and compare it to how well it performs relative to my BRZ.
Until then, it is really late. I am really tired. Good night!