Swift Falls, Saskatchewan

Just arrived in Swift Falls, Saskatchewan. I’ve been driving since 7:30AM CDT, and checked into a local motel at 8:07 CST. I drove a total of 1074km.

Amazing sunny weather today. Cooked my first burger at a local rest stop picnic area. It was quite successful!

I have less 600km remaining tomorrow. I think I will just sleep in a bit tomorrow morning, and leave here at 11AM.

Just very tired, so not much to report.

still in Ontario

Currently stopped in Kenora, Ontario. I’ve been driving since 7:00AM EDT, and checked into another local motel at 7:26PM CDT. I drove a total of 986km.

Encountered heavy rain during the first few hours, again making the drive very miserable. However, the sun broke through, and the remainder of the drive was a lot brighter and easier. From the looks of things, I will be skipping Winnipeg, and driving further west tomorrow.

My two best friends. I’ve been making much use of these two. Surprisingly, I haven’t used much of the 1kw inverter at all. I was originally planning to use the inverter to charge these packs if I drain the battery as I drive, but I never went below 80% on either packs. It’s a quick top up every evening with shore power at the hotel instead. I did notice yesterday that the inverter has a nasty feedback hum to the in-car audio system while charging the big LiFePO4 pack. Well, it’s a very cheap modified sine wave inverter, there is no doubt they cut a lot of corners by not providing adequate noise suppression circuitry. No big deal, it’s very easy to just reach into the glove box, and flick the switch once the packs are finished charging. I am very curious how the audio system inside the BRZ will react with the same inverter.

roadtrip has begun

I am currently stopped in Wawa, Ontario. I’ve been driving since 7:00AM. I check into a roadside Motel at 7:43PM EDT. I drove a total of 937km

My Mother had a good laugh at the InstantPot during lunch. She was doubly impressed when I told her that I also brought along the microwave oven!

I’m very tired. I am hoping to make it to Winnipeg tomorrow. Not much time was spent stopping and checking various roadside attractions. I will be doing that on the return trip. So I won’t be posting many photos at this time.

We encountered rain during the majority of the roadtrip, which unfortunately made driving much more exhausting. It looks like it will be raining in Wawa most of tomrrow too! Hopefully things improve by the time I reach Winnipeg.

emergency roadtrip ahead…

Family emergency popped up, resulting in sudden need to be in Calgary next Monday with my Mom. Once I factored in the cost of two last minute plane tickets, along with the cost of the car rental, I realized it made more sense to just drive the Accord over and make a roadtrip out of it. So I installed the 1kw inverter into the glove box, packed the LiFePO4 batteries, the fridge, and the microwave, and will be driving first thing tomorrow morning.

Luckily the weather is somewhat co-operating, however I am hearing reports of some lingering snow fall in Alberta. At this time, I will be driving there on snow tires, just in case I encounter snowy weather along the way. Like the last roadtrip to Vancouver, I will not be making many site-seeing pit stops along the way there. I hope the weather co-operates.