Yeah. I’m driving again. This time it’s with friends and family members in a 16 year old Honda Accord! The car is all prepped and packed, and I will be driving at 8AM EST, roughly 5 hours from now. You must be wondering why I am here still updating my blog when I really should be sleeping. Some dumbass friend decided to WhatsApp me at 2AM. Fuck you Miko!
The InstantPot and minifridge will be with me again. It’s going to be an interesting trip. This is probably my first roadtrip where all my hotel plans have already been booked! In the past, I’ve always just winged it, or preferably, just slept in the car. But I’m not driving solo this time, so things will be very different.
First stop is to Ottawa, so only a few hours of driving. If I do get tired, I’ll just pass the reigns onto my brother while I catch some beauty sleep in the car.
Oh, and I’m not usually a country music fan, but for some reason this blog entry reminded me of this song.