Drove a little over 800KM today. The inverter worked flawlessly. I was able to make coffee without breaking a sweat. The instant pot worked quite well too, though I still need to figure out the rice:water ratio. It is still a bit soggy. I’m very pleased with the outcome.
Trip took a little longer than predicted, because there was some major traffic accident just before entering the city, that tacked on another 1.5 hour onto the trip. I also took my time, and had many rest/power nap stops along the way.
Will be driving to New Brunswick first thing tomorrow morning.
I am very happy to announce, this is the first time EVER where I never had to purchase anything from a fast food restaurant. I did go into several to use washroom facilities, but being able to eat NON fast food was quite liberating. Not to mention very easy on the wallet.
I did purchase some hotdogs, and frozen corn from the supermarket. $10 total. That will last me several meals. Heck of a lot cheaper than the alternative from fastfood restaurants…