Day 1 to Quebec City

Drove a little over 800KM today. The inverter worked flawlessly. I was able to make coffee without breaking a sweat. The instant pot worked quite well too, though I still need to figure out the rice:water ratio. It is still a bit soggy. I’m very pleased with the outcome.

Trip took a little longer than predicted, because there was some major traffic accident just before entering the city, that tacked on another 1.5 hour onto the trip. I also took my time, and had many rest/power nap stops along the way.

Will be driving to New Brunswick first thing tomorrow morning.

I am very happy to announce, this is the first time EVER where I never had to purchase anything from a fast food restaurant. I did go into several to use washroom facilities, but being able to eat NON fast food was quite liberating. Not to mention very easy on the wallet.

I did purchase some hotdogs, and frozen corn from the supermarket. $10 total. That will last me several meals. Heck of a lot cheaper than the alternative from fastfood restaurants…

T minus 4 days

As many of you know, I have been a proud member of Freedom Mobile since they established their Canadian presence in Canada back in 2009 (formerly known as Wind Mobile). Unfortunately, their coverage beyond the major cities is very lacking. Anything past Ottawa will be considered roaming. Hopefully with the purchase by Videotron, they will expand coverage further into the east coast in the future. For the time being, I will need a temporary number with data plan that has better coverage.

If you have my main personal number, this wouldn’t change very much. You can still call me at this number, since it will be automatically forwarded to my new temporary number. SMS messages will be delayed somewhat, since I will be accessing it in a slightly different manner. WhatsApp and WeChat will not change. However, if the number is not forwarded properly, just reach me at 647-656-8362.

I’ve always purchased temporary sim-cards whenever I travel out of city for extended periods.