I’m still in Vancouver

Whenever I visited family in the west coast, I’ve always flown over, and relied on family and friends to drive me around, or used public transit.

This is the first time where I am able to explore this city by myself without anxiety in the comfort of my own vehicle paired with Android Auto. However, this too comes with disadvantages. For example, while my mother and I was looking for a Chinese grocery store in Chinatown, Edmonton, we were stopped outside a intersection where drug deals were taking placce. My mother told me that several questionably looking characters were sizing us up while I was waiting for the light to turn green. I wish there was a button in modern day GPS systems where they say “Avoid sketchy ass neighborhoods…”

I think the biggest lesson out of all this is, always keep your door locked even when you are driving.

Banff National Park

So I started driving westbound again after staying at my Aunt and Uncles for a bit. I made a pit stop at Banff national park. Now I understand why everybody says I have to stop there at least once in my life. The mountains were amazing!

I primarily focused on checking out Lake Louise and Moraine Lake. Scheduling restrictions did not allow me to visit any more than those for the day. I will have to make it back one day!

I drove almost 9 hours today. Luckily I didn’t have to drive to the two lakes from the Banff central info office. I decided to take their shuttle bus instead, to allow me to rest a bit. Unfortunately, that backfired. Their fleet of crappy school buses that they used had awful shocks and suspensions. That, combined with my fatigued state gave me a nasty headache for much of the later half of the trip. I rushed to grab an extra large cup of Tim’s, and things cleared up for a bit afterwards. Sadly, near the end of the drive two hours before we arrived at our destination for the night, it rained, again making the drive much more difficult than it should have. I should be arriving at my brothers house sometime by tomorrow evening.

Lake Louise. It was so damn busy there!
Moraine Lake. The old Canadian 20 dollar bill had an illustration of these scene. Seeing it in real life was something else…
At a rest stop just after the BC border, all alone.

The beauty of Calgary

Wow, Calgary has changed so much over the years. I remember when I visited my Uncle 20+ years ago, there was only one Chinese restaurant, and the parking lot was a gravel pit road. Their newly built Public Library in downtown is so beautiful. Too bad it was closed for the holidays.

I was able to escape from family gatherings for today, and just explore downtown on my own. I think among all the different central downtown cities I have driven to, Calgary has been the cleanest and most vibrant so far.

Oh, and I had more beef. A hell of a lot more. There goes my diet. lol

A tale of two malls

I went to the New Horizon Mall today in Calgary. It was like walking into a brand new Pacific Mall in Toronto. Despite the mall being opened back in mid 2018, it feels like over 80% of the stalls are all empty. The underground parking lot had half of it being cordoned off to be prepared for a haunted house event for Halloween. What kind of mall can afford to have half their parking lot roped off for two plus months?!

Then I drove across the street to Cross Iron Mills Mall. What a day and night difference! I could not find parking at all, and inside was like a zoo! The decor felt much more modern compared to West Edmonton Mall.

Oh and I ate more roast beef at another relatives house today. This is getting kind of silly…

The food court was empty during the lunch hour. There were only 4 restaurants open, and they were not busy at all
Up to 6 months free…
a big difference in food courts across the street
Obviously I had mine rare…