Edmonton, Alberta

Wow, this city is big, with a weird street arrangement. Drove around downtown, Chinatown, City Hall, and spent some time at the West Edmonton Mall. I agree it is quite big, but I got the feeling that it was a little overhyped, and found things underwhelming.

I will be driving to Calgary tomorrow, and visiting some relatives. Luckily, it is only a 3 hour drive. I hope to spend a few days visiting some famous parks, etc.

Saw my first ft86 at the parking lot of the local Costco. Obviously I had to park next to my twin! A great big f-u to the jackass who just left a shopping cart there…
I confirmed with my brother that he has adequate cleaning supplies at his house in Vancouver. I certainly hope so!
I saw this outside the West Edmonton Mall. It was a real right hand drive car, and had a lot of battle scars. I’m sure it was quite well loved. Are those Ralliart mudflaps on a Subaru!?
The big pirate ship inside the Mall was kinda neat. They even had a big wave pool waterpark inside!
They had a raffle for winning this inside the Mall. Truth be told, if I won it, I’d sell it as soon as I can. I wouldn’t trust British engineering to make me a cup of coffee consistently!

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