Hello there! As many of you have already known, there have been several significant changes in my life, primarily with the status of my employment. I’m unemployed! Hooray!
All joking aside, one of the biggest life goal of mine is to do a coast-to-coast solo road trip across Canada. It just so happens that several things happened in my life that has allowed me to realize this dream sooner than later.
- I am in the process of winding down and sun-setting my existing business, and renting out the unit to someone else
- My sister-in-law is due to give birth this September in Vancouver
- I just purchased a new car
I figure I should take advantage of this situation, and visit my future niece/nephew before I come back home to start my new job.
I’m actually not much of a web designer, and I don’t have much experience with WordPress or CSS. So please forgive me if this blog is a little bland in the aesthetics department.
This blog will document and share my adventures along the way. I hope you enjoy your stay.